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Chat/Quote #237 +(8)-
<Cleric> omg... my connection just fixed itself
<Ryuko> yay?
<Ryuko> wait, does that mean that your connection is the world's first self aware self sustaining ai?
<Cleric> i think so
<Cleric> go optus
<Cleric> decent speed!
<KidImposter> it's a lie
<Cleric> i might watch a youtube video!
<KidImposter> it's faking it
<Cleric> you try telling it that
<Cleric> it'll probably kill you and take over the world
<Cleric> D= it's reading everything we say!
<Cleric> we're doomed
<Ryuko> unplug it
<Ryuko> it'll die
<Cleric> I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Ryuko.
<Ryuko> sup HAL
<Cleric> World Domination.
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