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Chat/Quote #23 +(15)-
*** darkcobra has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** thraadash has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** IOkung has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** ravenkrus has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** undefined has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** HotGamerMum has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** ahdebus has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** EclipselineTheSeraph has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** RokzRav has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** Elder_Felyne has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** DyrimTW has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
*** darkcobra has joined #socb.
*** DyrimTW has joined #socb.
*** EclipselineTheSeraph has joined #socb.
*** RokzRav has joined #socb.
*** ravenkrus has joined #socb.
*** thraadash has joined #socb.
*** Mode change "+o thraadash" for channel #socb by ChanServ.
*** World_Class_Bum is now known as Adelaine.
*** IOkung has joined #socb.
*** shyna66 has joined #socb.
IOkung: Om
shyna66: what hpnd?
IOkung: Why did my connection ALWAYS ends with Shyna's smile Face?
shyna66: hihihi
IOkung: Maybe It's so cute it melt teh connection
IOkung: lol
Jask|2G_group: Heh, mibbit crashing?
*** T has joined #socb.
Jask|2G_group: Not hitting me.
*** 352 Jask|2G_group #socb Mibbit 9AF0E163.8FCC407F.4877EDA4.IP thraadash Hr :0
*** End of /WHO list.
IOkung: ...
IOkung: You're Tanking with a Lance + Guard+2 Or SOMETHING!?
Jask|2G_group: Fuck tanking.
Jask|2G_group: Evade+2 baby!
IOkung: lol
IOkung: So
IOkung: You Rolled thought Crashing?
*** ahdebus has joined #socb.
IOkung: OMG!!
IOkung: even mum didn't survive lol
Jask|2G_group: Rolling fixes everything.
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