Take a look at your HV GC or someone else's.
Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Eggcercise for the n00bs!Title: Eggcercise for the n00bs!
Quest Client: N00b Trainer
Description: I, HV N00b Trainer, have noticed that many n00bs failed the last challenge. I think it is time for you n00bs to Eggcercise and make some gainz and git gudder.
Pick up an egg and perform the followings
1. Dodge a charge attack from the main monster.
2. Go around the main monster (perform a complete 360 around it) Ez pz no re.
These two feats do not have to be performed using the same Egg, but it must be done during the same quest. Bonus points if you use the same egg.
Main Monster cannot be any Drome.
Roll cannot be used in MHW.
All party members must perform the egg feats
A Charge attack is an attack where the monster runs at you.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VI: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Gathering Quest for the n00bsQuest Title: Gathering Quest for the n00bs
Quest Client: Young Elder Boi
Quest Description:
Hi young man, I am old and frail and I need a strong n00b hunter like you to help me gather a few items.
Could you gather for me the followings:
3 Bugs (via bugnet)
3 Ores (via pickaxe)
3 Ground items (regular gathering or carving)
3 Burnt steaks (note: you must eat your burnt steak)
That's all I need. Oh wait, you have to do that in the presence of a monster in rage mode!
Also eat your burnt steak while the monster is in rage mode.
Oh! And leave your armor at home.
More Description:
So it is easy.
a Gather the above items only when a monster is in rage mode!
b Complete the Quest in Solo mode
c no armor, no trap, no flash, no cats, no gathering while monster is KO or is tripped
d This is an easy challenge, you can pick whichever monster you like.
Important Change for this season
Most of the quests in this season will be graded not based on completion, but based on how far the hunter goes to
make the quest completion a pr0 quest.
For example, someone completing the current quest fighting a Yian Garuga will be awarded much more points than someone completing this quest versus a Gendrome.
Have fun!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VIII: Weekly Challenge 5 --
E&S: Endure & Strike Quest Giver: MH Tank
Quest Descrition: This is simple: Take a hit (with damage) from the monster before performing a combo on it.
You cannot stack hits for your combos. Chip damage is okay.
| Weapon | hits | hits/combo |
| GS | 1 | 3 (or One Charge attack) |
| LS | 1 | 5 |
| SnS | 1 | 6 |
| HH | 1 | 3 |
| Hammer | 1 | 3 |
| Lance | 1 | 3 |
| Gunlance | 1 | 3 stabs or 3 shells |
| DB | 1 | normal combo (tri or circle) |
| DB | 1 | demon dance. |
| SA | 1 | 4 (No infinite combo) |
| CB | 1 | 1 axe attack. |
| CB | 1 | 2 sword attacks* |
| IG | 1 | ( tri x3 then circle once) |
| Bow | 1 | 5 shots** |
| H/LBowgun| 1 | 7 shots** |
During Rage mode, you can hit twice as many times for one hit taken.
Solo Hunt
Hits do not need to land.
No valor sheath
F1/FU: G-rank Black Gravios
P3rd: Brute Tigrex
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 4 --
Pressure CookerMake 10 well done or Gourmet Steaks while you are in arena with Silver Los and Gold Ian.
-No Smoke Bombs
-Monsters must be aggro'd
-No killing the monster
-No flash bomb
SEE THIS GIF FOR MORE INFO https://gfycat.com/ElegantBowedBarnowl
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season II Weekly Challenge 5 --
Timing is EverytingThis is a n00b friendly challenge :problem:.
Description: Using only GS LVL 3 charge, complete the following two quests:
a) A quest where Tigrex is the main and only target monster.
b) A quest where Narga is the main and only target monster.
i) Everyone in your party must be using a GS. The quest taken must correspond to the highest HR of your party.
ii) No Traps, No Flash bombs, No sleep weapons, and No para weapons.
iii) ONLY GS LVL3 Charges must be used.
iv) Having Nekoth unlocked counts as being High Rank.
n00b level Only complete the challenge on Narga or on Tigrex
0kay level Complete the challenge on Narga and Tigrex
pr0 level Complete the challenge on Narga and Tigrex while soloing AND time your LVL3 charge to stop the monster charging at you at least once. :problem:
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VI: Weekly Challenge 3 --
SnS: Swerve N StrikeSnS: Swerve N Strike
Using SnS defeat the monster without taking any damage (Red Health is okay.).
No flash bombs, no bombs, no traps.
F1: Diablos
FU: G-rank teo (for group), HR Teo (for solo) neko quest okay
P3rd: Pickle boi
MHXX: G-Rank Teostra, Guild, no Roundforce or evasion arts.
MH4U: G-Rank Teostra
MHW: HR Teostra, no Temporal/Rocksteady/Evasion/Vitality mantles.
Heroic is okay. Teo must be at full health
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season II Weekly Challenge 1 --
Hunger For BloodThis challenge is in memory of the greatest Gunner to come to life (The Legendary Gunner; he was THE gunner not afraid of facing a Blos in the worst condition).
Challenge Main Description: Using a Bow, hunt a black Diablos. (Very simple and n00b friendly).
Challenge Prerequesites:
a)Your stamina MUST BE as low as possible (in the red).
b) No use of FlashBombs and no sleep bombing (fight you pussies!)
c) You can hunt any rank as long as your equipment is from the same rank.
Example: HR2 Black Diablos but using HR2 equipments.
n00b level Hunt with more than one bowmen
0kay level Solo it. the Legendary Gunner always solo'd his quest
pr0 level Solo it and don't get hit.
For MHF1 since there is no Bow, you are allowed to use a bowGun.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) Hunsterverse Season II Weekly Challenge 3 --
Movie HunterAs a hunter, we're required to not only have a strong brute force, but a creative minds as well. So for this week's challenge, we want you to recreate opening scene of MHF1/MH2/MHFU/MHP3RD. :Whoa:
Quest requirements:
- Recreate every aspect of the scene that is possible to be done in game (weapon bouncing, mining, cooking meat, gathering, etc.)
- Use the same equipment & weapon for you and your cat as well just like in the scene
- The number of hunter doing this challenge must be the same as in the scene.
- You also have to kill/capture the monster at the end of the scene (Nargacuga for MHFU, Zinogre for MHP3RD & Rathalos for MHF1). Create the fight as creative as possible, since this monsters is not being fought in the scene.
- You can also combine the opening scene with some of your gameplay for a scene that is not able to be recreated.
n00b level: Recreate opening using weapons vs the correct monster
0kay level: Recreate opening AND try to capture some of the great scenes that occured
pr0 level: Recreate opening, capture some of the great scenes and use your video editing skills to make it look awesome
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