Take a look at your HV GC or someone else's.
Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Eggcercise for the n00bs!Title: Eggcercise for the n00bs!
Quest Client: N00b Trainer
Description: I, HV N00b Trainer, have noticed that many n00bs failed the last challenge. I think it is time for you n00bs to Eggcercise and make some gainz and git gudder.
Pick up an egg and perform the followings
1. Dodge a charge attack from the main monster.
2. Go around the main monster (perform a complete 360 around it) Ez pz no re.
These two feats do not have to be performed using the same Egg, but it must be done during the same quest. Bonus points if you use the same egg.
Main Monster cannot be any Drome.
Roll cannot be used in MHW.
All party members must perform the egg feats
A Charge attack is an attack where the monster runs at you.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 4 --
Pressure CookerMake 10 well done or Gourmet Steaks while you are in arena with Silver Los and Gold Ian.
-No Smoke Bombs
-Monsters must be aggro'd
-No killing the monster
-No flash bomb
SEE THIS GIF FOR MORE INFO https://gfycat.com/ElegantBowedBarnowl
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 1 --
I am NaN (Not a Noob)Title: I am NaN (Not a Noob)
Quest Client: NaN (?)
Description: I have heard of a hunter who boasted to be NaN (Not a N00b) and claimed that all hunters should be able to complete a quest without a single point of HP lost.
Are you a great hunter?
1 Complete the quest without being hit a single time by any monster.
A hit is anything that results in your HP decreasing. So any attack that can be 100% blocked and is blocked should be fine.
2 To make things easy to see. Get your HP to a value < 5. Everyone should do that if you are hunting in group.
3 Of course since you won't get hit, you won't need any single healing item. Any healing during quest = disqualification.
4 No flashbombs, No shock traps, and No Traps.
5 Heroic skills is okay.
6 You must use a melee weapon! Additionally, GS, Hammer, Hunting Horns, and Lances are prohibited.
7 This is obvious, but no carting
8 No Epic Hunts
Main Monsters:
F1: G-rank Purple Gypceros
FU: G-rank Hypnatrice
P3rd: High Rank Crimson Qurupeco
All original rules apply.
0kay: Complete the quest doing a perfect run using TA ruleset. You can use Palicos with Plunderblade or Meowlotov Cocktail.
pr0: Complete the quest with no armor or charms. Any skills in the weapon by default are fair game. Palicos with Plunderblade/Meowlotov Cocktail are also allowed.
Target: Odogaron
All original rules apply.
0kay: You may use any HAs or styles you see fit. Warning: dodging an attack with the Brave cancel will count as a hit.
pr0: Can't use armor or charms, and you're limited to Guild and Striker styles. You can't use Absolute Evasion or Readiness, but everything else is fine.
Palicos are allowed so long as they can't heal you.
Target: G-rank Seregios
n00b Level: This quest is not for n00bs. There is no n00b level here. GTFO n00bs :problem:
0kay Level: Complete the quest wearing any armor that gives you any skills.
pr0 Level: Complete the quest without any armor (that means no talisman for P3rd people).
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 3 --
Welcome to HellWear no armor.
Go fight two black HR9 Gravios or two HR6 2 Agnaktor.
-No healing items are allowed
-No Cool Drinks (hot drinks are okay)
-Whetstones are okay
-No Long range weapon
-No Traps, No flash
-No Bombs
-HH Healing 'spells' are okay
-No fish!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenges 2 --
Monster FuneralHunters must complete a 4-5 monster epic quest without items (bowgun ammo also not allowed).
This is a difficult challenge quest that requires very good timing and cooperation.
G rank only quest 'Hunter's Funeral' for MHFU and HR only quest 'The Chosen One' for 3rd.
No items to be taken from the box, but items are able to be taken from within the arena. Happy Hunting.
Complete the quest without any items (bowgun ammo also not allowed) and no items from the starting supply box. Only items picked up from within the arena are allowed.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Take me to Pound Town!Title: Take me to Pound Town!
Quest Client: The Let-me-smash Bird.
Quest Description: I need you to make some mashed potatoes, but instead of potatoes, I want to use a monster.
With your hammer and only using the Super Pound Attack, make me some mashed monster meals.
Quest Requirements:
a) You must be using a hammer
b) You must only use the super pound attack (the one attack you get after charging your hammer).
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Normal Los. FU: G-rank Normal Los. P3: High Rank Gigginox. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
0kay Level: F1: High Rank Plesioth. FU: G-rank Plesioth. P3: High rank Agnakator . MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
pr0 Level: F1: High Rank Kirin. FU: G-rank Kirin. P3: Devil Jho. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
Note: +10 HV Frienship Points if you stop a monster charge 3 times.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VII: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Smooth WalkerTitle: Smooth Walker.
Let's start easy: Defeat the main monster without rolling, blocking, and sprinting (running with R button). (you can run when the monster changes areas)
Only the 16 teams that registered are allowed to enter this challenge.
Requirements: No rolling. No Sprinting. No carting. No Blocking, No Lance Charges. No Back hoping. No Side Stepping, NO PRESSING THE DODGE BUTTON X on PS, B on Nintendo. No sleeping to heal at camp.
-If you use R to evade, then no
-If you use R to attack, then yes
Quest Details: 3 healing items per user, no bombs, no traps.
Weapons: Only melee weapons
F1: G-rank Kirin
FU: G-rank Narga (single monster quest)
P3rd: HR Narga (single monster quest)
Gen: HR Narga (single monster quest) -- no art
XX : G-rank Narga (single monster quest) -- no art
MHW: HR Kirin (single monster quest)
What should you be aiming for? You should be aiming for pr0ness meaning avoid getting hit as much as possible
and avoid using your healing items.
Original teams are:
The teams are: Cazadores de QCHAUS, Malify, Choco Adentures, Pony Destroyers, Cock and Ball Torture, We're Shit, Koalas MH, Daedal|US, Mad Hunt, LAGSIDE, Shimazu Clan, Gabuters, Boonfo Guild, Try Harder, No Phone Users, and Leftovers.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Bear Grill AdventureTitle Bear Grill Adventure
Client Couch Potato
Scenario You are Bear Grill (that guy who drinks his pee).
You are naked somewhere in nature. You have with you, your trusty knife, and your pee.
Unbeknown to your audience, you also have a trusted crew that helps you.
Defeat a monster!!
1) Play as Bear Grill and his crew
a. Bear Grill is a naked person using a Sword and Shield
b. The crew consists of gunners.
c. Bear Grill can only use consumable that are yellow (to mimic piss).
d. The crew (Gunner) can only use Poison shots and heal shots.
2) You fail the challenge if anyone dies.
Monsters: F1:Plesioth FU/P3rd: Nargacuga
F1: High Rank, FU: High Rank, P3rd: HIgh Rank.
Baby Level: Complete the Challenge +10 HVFP
0kay Level: Complete the challenge in less than 30 minutes +20 HVFP
Pr0 Level: Complete the challenge in 10 minutes or fewer +50 HVFP
Non Scrub Level FU G-rank +250 HVFP
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IX: Weekly Challenge 3 --
Poised PoisonTitle: Poised Poison
Detail: Defeat a monster but attack only when you are poisoned.
Restriction: Melee weapons only. Healing: 2 max potions and 5 mega potions. No Fish. No Healing Songs. Can't beat the quest alone? Bring a friend or GitGud.
No Valor Mode in XX.
No Health Augment in world.
F1/FU: G-rank Purple Gypceros
P3rd: HR Gigginox
MHW: Yian Garuga
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 2 --
Broken Leg, Broken Arm, Intact SpiritDescription
While trying to protect your n00b friend against a G-rank Tigrex (in FU) or Black Tigrex (in P3rd), you broke your right arm and your left leg.
You are now using your Lance or Gunlance, but cannot block, and cannot hop.
Show your n00b friend that even with that handicap, you can still defeat the Tigrex.
Summary and Requirements
a) Defeat G-rank Tigrex (in FU) or Black Tigrex (in P3rd)
b) Use a lance or Gunlance
c) You cannot use your shield (Block) and you cannot hop (back, or to the side, while your weapon is unsheathed)
d) Since your leg is hurting quite a bit, you can run, but you cannot superman dive :problem:.
Note: Bombs cannot be used in this challenge.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide)