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Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 4 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!Quest Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!
Quest Description You just learned about the multi-track drifting meme :yeahboi: Unfortunately, there are no cars in the game.
You realize that, as a hunter, the closest thing to mimicking a car is to use your lance, make a "vroom vroom vroom" sound with your mouth and
just gun it! Drift the Monster to death!
a) Use only the running attack of your Lance to defeat the main monster
b) no blocking (dodging and back hopping is okay)
c) no ESP skill
d) charge finisher move is okay
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Iodrome, FU: G-rank Iodrome, P3rd: High-Rank Wroggi
0kay Level: F1:Plesioth,FU: Narga , P3rd: High Rank Narga
pr0 Level: Silver Los
Note: You are allowed to use ESP skill if every time you charge at the Monster, you have to say Vroom, Vroom, Vroom AND we can hear it in the video.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VIII: Weekly Challenge 3 --
All Out AssaultTitle: All Out Assault
Quest Giver: Training school expert
Quest Description: I want you to go dominate a black Diablos in a manner that will make your beloved instructor proud!
Quest Detail: With Heavybowgun (no shield attachment), no earplug skill (roar must affect you fully), and no weapon sheathing (heavy bowgun must be unsheathed around monster), go dominate a black diablos. Show your skills! Healing is allowed only when you aren't in the same area as the monster
Monster: Black Diablos
Monster Rank: Grank (F1/FU/Gen/XX), HR (P3rd), MHW (Master Rank), -- Plesioth for Gen and XX
Restrictions: No Arts, No Mantles, No Palicos, No Valor/Adept style.
Note: as of 2022/02/21, no more flash.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Take me to Pound Town!Title: Take me to Pound Town!
Quest Client: The Let-me-smash Bird.
Quest Description: I need you to make some mashed potatoes, but instead of potatoes, I want to use a monster.
With your hammer and only using the Super Pound Attack, make me some mashed monster meals.
Quest Requirements:
a) You must be using a hammer
b) You must only use the super pound attack (the one attack you get after charging your hammer).
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Normal Los. FU: G-rank Normal Los. P3: High Rank Gigginox. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
0kay Level: F1: High Rank Plesioth. FU: G-rank Plesioth. P3: High rank Agnakator . MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
pr0 Level: F1: High Rank Kirin. FU: G-rank Kirin. P3: Devil Jho. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
Note: +10 HV Frienship Points if you stop a monster charge 3 times.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IX: Weekly Challenge 3 --
Poised PoisonTitle: Poised Poison
Detail: Defeat a monster but attack only when you are poisoned.
Restriction: Melee weapons only. Healing: 2 max potions and 5 mega potions. No Fish. No Healing Songs. Can't beat the quest alone? Bring a friend or GitGud.
No Valor Mode in XX.
No Health Augment in world.
F1/FU: G-rank Purple Gypceros
P3rd: HR Gigginox
MHW: Yian Garuga
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VII: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Low Rank Armor, High Rank Tenacity![HunsterVerse Season VII: Weekly Challenge 4 -- Low Rank Armor, High Rank Tenacity!]
Let's continue the Team Challenges!
Title: Low Rank Armor, High Rank Tenacity
Quest Giver: Spirit Breaker
Description: Purchase or craft any Rarity 1 equipment and beat the highest possible Urgent Guild Quest you can.
For example, you might only be able to beat the HR1 to HR2 Urgent, but if your team is good, you could manage to beat HR4 to HR5 Urgent quest. Just show me what you can do.
All items except Bombs are allowed.
You can however use bombs for Heroics.
Everything is allowed meaning Talons, flash, trap, donations, etc...
Equipment means Armor+Weapon. You are not allowed to gem up or upgrade your equipment.
1. You can use Sword Saint Piercing or Barrage Piercing, but then you have to be naked.
2. No weapon upgrade/Bowgun Attachements are fine
3. No gems also means no deco
4. No Lao/Shen/Goren/Jhen/Jiren
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 3 --
Hit Gun To ReloadDescription You were too cheap to buy a gud gun from the smithy guy.
You end up with a gun that jams pretty easily. The only way for you to reload it (or to load a different kind of ammo)
is to hit your gun against something big, dangerous, alive, and mean... Use that gun and slay the main monster.
a) You must be using light bowgun or heavybowgun.
b) You are allowed to reload your gun only after having meleed the main monster using your gun.
c) No siege mode or auto reload skills.
d) No Traps, No flashbombs.
n00b Level Monsters: F1: High Rank Iodrome, FU: G-rank Iodrome, P3rd: High Rank Wroggi
0kay Level Monsters: F1:Los, FU: G-Rank Tigrex, P3rd: High Rank Brute Tigrex
pr0 Level Monsters: F1:High Rank Garuga (Repeal is okay), FU: SSJ2 Rajang, P3rd: Deviljho
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 5 --
Sonic Dance of DiablosTitle: Sonic Dance of Diablos
Hello hunters. I have heard that there are various ways to get a diablos out of the ground.
Use your Hunting Horn and show me how it is done! It wouldn't be a challenge for you if I didn't add a "few" requiremnts.
0 Wear at most only two pieces of armor
1 No Sonic Bombs and No Bombs are to be used
2 Bombs can only be used in F1
3 You must use your HH to sonic blos out of ground a minimum of 3 times. (F1: Use bombs to get Blos out of the ground a minimum of 2 times)
4 You must KO Blos with your HH at least 2 times and break both horns. (F1: Break Blos horns with Hammer).
5 Complete the Quest in 15 minutes or less.
6 No Traps.
F1: Grank Diablos -- F1 can complete quest in 30 minutes or less. Use Hammer instead of HH.
FU: G-rank Diablos
P3rd: HIgh Rank Diablos -- you can use talisman
Reward: 50 HVFP for completing the challenge.
Deadline for submission: June 27th.
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