Take a look at your HV GC or someone else's.
Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Eggcercise for the n00bs!Title: Eggcercise for the n00bs!
Quest Client: N00b Trainer
Description: I, HV N00b Trainer, have noticed that many n00bs failed the last challenge. I think it is time for you n00bs to Eggcercise and make some gainz and git gudder.
Pick up an egg and perform the followings
1. Dodge a charge attack from the main monster.
2. Go around the main monster (perform a complete 360 around it) Ez pz no re.
These two feats do not have to be performed using the same Egg, but it must be done during the same quest. Bonus points if you use the same egg.
Main Monster cannot be any Drome.
Roll cannot be used in MHW.
All party members must perform the egg feats
A Charge attack is an attack where the monster runs at you.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 4 --
Pressure CookerMake 10 well done or Gourmet Steaks while you are in arena with Silver Los and Gold Ian.
-No Smoke Bombs
-Monsters must be aggro'd
-No killing the monster
-No flash bomb
SEE THIS GIF FOR MORE INFO https://gfycat.com/ElegantBowedBarnowl
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenges 2 --
Monster FuneralHunters must complete a 4-5 monster epic quest without items (bowgun ammo also not allowed).
This is a difficult challenge quest that requires very good timing and cooperation.
G rank only quest 'Hunter's Funeral' for MHFU and HR only quest 'The Chosen One' for 3rd.
No items to be taken from the box, but items are able to be taken from within the arena. Happy Hunting.
Complete the quest without any items (bowgun ammo also not allowed) and no items from the starting supply box. Only items picked up from within the arena are allowed.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VII: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Sweating BulletsTitle: Sweating Bullets
Client: Ifrit
I thought I would take this term quite literally.
How about a quest involving both sweat and bullets? I have heard those kind of quests are the best to bring out your inner demon gunner.
a. Weapon: Heavy Bowgun
b. Armor: Only helmet -- makes sweating better. No talisman.
c. Area: It must be in volcano or on a map that has heat damage
d. No Cool Drinks allowed, No Health Potion (no self healing), no health flute, No Traps, No Flash. No cold Meat because Cold meat = Cool Drink + meat. You can have Hot meat though. Your character must be taking heat damage!
e. All bullets are allowed except Clust and Crag shots. I recommend using heal shots.
f. No heavy bowgun special attack such as Siege Mode, and Hunter Arts.
g. No Healing at Camp. You are allowed one cart.
i. No Fish to heal red health (updated 2021/02/09)
F1: G-rank Black Gravios
FU: G-rank Black Garvios
P3rd: HR Agnakator
4U: G-rank Black Gravios
MHGen: HR Agnakator
MHXX: G-rank Gravios
MHW: High Rank Lavasioth -- Only Bandit Mantle Allowed!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 5 --
Dancing Horn/Taunting BodyTitle Dancing Horn
Quest Client: M.J The King of Popo :man_dancing:
Details So I have heard some hunters have some dope dance moves.
But can they use these dance moves to serve and slay a monster? I doubt it. :man_dancing:
1 Use Hunting Horns only
2 Hit the monster only in recital mode (meaning every hit must be while you are dancing)
3 No Traps are allowed, no cold/hot drink, no antidotes, and no seeds. Potions are okay :problem:
n00b Level: F1: High Rank blue Kutku, FU: G-rank blue YKK, P3rd High Rank Honey Bear
0kay Level: F1: High Rank Gypceros, FU:G-rank Gypceros P3rd: HR Qurupeco
pr0 Level: F1: High Rank Red Khezu, FU: G-Rank Red Khezu, P3rd: HR Gigginox
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 6 --
MH Final FantasyTitle: MH Final Fantasy
Quest Client: TriangleEnix
Quest Description:
Yo! I heard this game can be played as an MMORPG with mage, healers and bersekers and whatnot.
Show me that it can be easily done. Get your team together and defeat a boss!
Quest Requirement:
1. You must go on a quest with a team made of the following "classes"
a Berserkers
b White Mage
A berserkers is a lance user. This user will carry no item when going in quest and will not use any healing/status items.
A White Mage is either a Hunting Horn user or a Gunner. White mage also plays the role of support via healing, clearing ailments etc... This class can provide the Berserker class cooked meat and whetstones. White mage can can also set up traps.
Note: Solo users will have to be Berserkers with no items. Not even whetstones :problem: Just find yourself a useless friend who will act as a white mage.
3 Berserkers deals all the damage and gets whetstones or meat from White Mages when needed.
2 White Mage class does all the healing either through wide area, hunting horn items, healing shots, etc... This class does not attack
Monsters FU/F1: G-rank Black Gravios in volcano (there needs to be heat)
P3rd: Glacial Agnakator
World: Lavasioth.
Solo berserkers can use a Rocksteady Mantle and a Lance with 1 Health Regen aug. If in a group, neither of these are allowed.
XX: Hyper Brachydios, HR/G-Rank in the volcano or other hot areas. Equipment, charm included, must match the monster's rank. Berserkers can use Guild, Striker or Adept; any HA is fine except Healing Shield unless solo. White Mage can use Guild and Alchemy. In both cases, Berserkers may use a Heat Cancel skill or a variation of it.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 4 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!Quest Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!
Quest Description You just learned about the multi-track drifting meme :yeahboi: Unfortunately, there are no cars in the game.
You realize that, as a hunter, the closest thing to mimicking a car is to use your lance, make a "vroom vroom vroom" sound with your mouth and
just gun it! Drift the Monster to death!
a) Use only the running attack of your Lance to defeat the main monster
b) no blocking (dodging and back hopping is okay)
c) no ESP skill
d) charge finisher move is okay
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Iodrome, FU: G-rank Iodrome, P3rd: High-Rank Wroggi
0kay Level: F1:Plesioth,FU: Narga , P3rd: High Rank Narga
pr0 Level: Silver Los
Note: You are allowed to use ESP skill if every time you charge at the Monster, you have to say Vroom, Vroom, Vroom AND we can hear it in the video.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VI: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Hushed Hunting HornQuest Title: Hushed Hunting Horn
Quest Client: Excitable Kid
Quest Description:
Hey, my friend said that hunting horn was useless if it didn't play any songs. I know he's wrong, and I need you to help me prove it!
A. You must use hunting horn. Obviously.
B. You cannot play any songs at all. Including the Self-Improvement song. Unless you choose it in the Okay-level challenge.
C. You cannot use items while in the area with the monster.
D: You cannot sheath your weapon while in the area with the monster.
E. You cannot bring cats.
Okay level: You may use either the self-improvement song, or you may use rolls. You cannot use both in your run.
Pro level: No rolling, and no self-improvement song.
Insane: No rolling, no self-improvement, and don't take any damage! (note: self damage to activate heroics is OK)
FU: G-Rank Hypnocatrice
P3rd: High Rank dual Zinogre
F1: Get to G-rank in FU and do the challenge
Mhw: Nergigante
XX: G-Rank hyper Zinogre
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IX: Weekly Challenge 3 --
Poised PoisonTitle: Poised Poison
Detail: Defeat a monster but attack only when you are poisoned.
Restriction: Melee weapons only. Healing: 2 max potions and 5 mega potions. No Fish. No Healing Songs. Can't beat the quest alone? Bring a friend or GitGud.
No Valor Mode in XX.
No Health Augment in world.
F1/FU: G-rank Purple Gypceros
P3rd: HR Gigginox
MHW: Yian Garuga
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IX: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Fly You Fool!Title: Fly You Fool!
Quest: Kill the main monster by hitting it only when it is airborne, tripped, or para'd.
Monsters: F1/FU/World: G-rank Azure Los, P3: Silver Los.
Requirements: No Carts, No GS, melee only, no bombs except bounce bombs, no traps, No flash. Paintball, rocks, and boomerang can be used when monster is not in the air. No grappling hook in world.
Aerial style will lock the submission at 0kay level.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 2 --
Broken Leg, Broken Arm, Intact SpiritDescription
While trying to protect your n00b friend against a G-rank Tigrex (in FU) or Black Tigrex (in P3rd), you broke your right arm and your left leg.
You are now using your Lance or Gunlance, but cannot block, and cannot hop.
Show your n00b friend that even with that handicap, you can still defeat the Tigrex.
Summary and Requirements
a) Defeat G-rank Tigrex (in FU) or Black Tigrex (in P3rd)
b) Use a lance or Gunlance
c) You cannot use your shield (Block) and you cannot hop (back, or to the side, while your weapon is unsheathed)
d) Since your leg is hurting quite a bit, you can run, but you cannot superman dive :problem:.
Note: Bombs cannot be used in this challenge.
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