Take a look at your HV GC or someone else's.
Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenges 2 --
Monster FuneralHunters must complete a 4-5 monster epic quest without items (bowgun ammo also not allowed).
This is a difficult challenge quest that requires very good timing and cooperation.
G rank only quest 'Hunter's Funeral' for MHFU and HR only quest 'The Chosen One' for 3rd.
No items to be taken from the box, but items are able to be taken from within the arena. Happy Hunting.
Complete the quest without any items (bowgun ammo also not allowed) and no items from the starting supply box. Only items picked up from within the arena are allowed.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 4 --
Pressure CookerMake 10 well done or Gourmet Steaks while you are in arena with Silver Los and Gold Ian.
-No Smoke Bombs
-Monsters must be aggro'd
-No killing the monster
-No flash bomb
SEE THIS GIF FOR MORE INFO https://gfycat.com/ElegantBowedBarnowl
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 4 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!Quest Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!
Quest Description You just learned about the multi-track drifting meme :yeahboi: Unfortunately, there are no cars in the game.
You realize that, as a hunter, the closest thing to mimicking a car is to use your lance, make a "vroom vroom vroom" sound with your mouth and
just gun it! Drift the Monster to death!
a) Use only the running attack of your Lance to defeat the main monster
b) no blocking (dodging and back hopping is okay)
c) no ESP skill
d) charge finisher move is okay
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Iodrome, FU: G-rank Iodrome, P3rd: High-Rank Wroggi
0kay Level: F1:Plesioth,FU: Narga , P3rd: High Rank Narga
pr0 Level: Silver Los
Note: You are allowed to use ESP skill if every time you charge at the Monster, you have to say Vroom, Vroom, Vroom AND we can hear it in the video.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 1 --
Sticks and StonesHunt a Low Rank Monster with Stone, Boomerang, Punch and Kicks only! You can even try Paintballs and throwable items.
MHF1 and MHFU: Yian Kut-Ku.
MHP3rd: Honey Bear.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 3 --
Explosion All AroundTitle: Explosion All Around
Quest Client: Megumi
Quest Description Using Wyvern Fire of your Gunlance, GL Shots, or Bombs, kill a monster.
No traps are allowed. You can use stone, paintballs, or boomerangs.
a) If you are using a weapon other than GL, that weapon should not be used to deal damage to the Monster.
b) Wyvern Fire or GL Shots are the only allowed weapon attacks.
c) You can use stone, paintballs, or boomerangs to activate bombs.
d) No traps are allowed :problem:
e) Accidental pokes or direct weapon attacks (not wyvern fire or shells) get you disqualified.
F1: Low Rank Plesioth
FU: G-rank Narga
P3rd: High Rank Brute Tigrex
n00b level: Complete the quest within 30 mins. +5 HVFP
0kay Level: Complete the quest within 15 mins. +15 HVFP
pr0 Level: Complet the quest Within 5 mins. +50 HVFP (BEST VALUE)
NOTE: Rewards, HVFP, get trippled (x3) if challenge is completed solo.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenges 2 --
Monster FuneralHunters must complete a 4-5 monster epic quest without items (bowgun ammo also not allowed).
This is a difficult challenge quest that requires very good timing and cooperation.
G rank only quest 'Hunter's Funeral' for MHFU and HR only quest 'The Chosen One' for 3rd.
No items to be taken from the box, but items are able to be taken from within the arena. Happy Hunting.
Complete the quest without any items (bowgun ammo also not allowed) and no items from the starting supply box. Only items picked up from within the arena are allowed.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide)