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Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Committed Triple Combo-erTitle: Committed Triple Combo-er
Client: No-Brake Hunter
Description: Are you a pro hammer user like me? I doubt it!
I am known as the No-Brake Hunter. I always commit to completing my combos. I don't stop midway unless of course I am hit. But I am a pro hammer and I never get hit.
Prove that you are a badass hammer user like me!
Quest Requirement:
1. Use Only Hammer's triple combo and you can't stop in middle once you started unless you get hit. This means that you cannot cancel your combo once you start it.
2 You are allowed only two clothing items.
3 No Bombs, No Flash Bombs, No Traps
4 All your attacks must be Triple Pound if you and the monster are in the same area.
F1: G-rank Azure Los
FU: G-rank Tigrex
P3: High Rank Brute Tigrex (Talisman is okay)
MHXX: Glavenus
MHW: Odogaron, 2 armor pieces, 4 deco limit, no charm, no mantles.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Committed Triple Combo-erTitle: Committed Triple Combo-er
Client: No-Brake Hunter
Description: Are you a pro hammer user like me? I doubt it!
I am known as the No-Brake Hunter. I always commit to completing my combos. I don't stop midway unless of course I am hit. But I am a pro hammer and I never get hit.
Prove that you are a badass hammer user like me!
Quest Requirement:
1. Use Only Hammer's triple combo and you can't stop in middle once you started unless you get hit. This means that you cannot cancel your combo once you start it.
2 You are allowed only two clothing items.
3 No Bombs, No Flash Bombs, No Traps
4 All your attacks must be Triple Pound if you and the monster are in the same area.
F1: G-rank Azure Los
FU: G-rank Tigrex
P3: High Rank Brute Tigrex (Talisman is okay)
MHXX: Glavenus
MHW: Odogaron, 2 armor pieces, 4 deco limit, no charm, no mantles.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Eggcercise for the n00bs!Title: Eggcercise for the n00bs!
Quest Client: N00b Trainer
Description: I, HV N00b Trainer, have noticed that many n00bs failed the last challenge. I think it is time for you n00bs to Eggcercise and make some gainz and git gudder.
Pick up an egg and perform the followings
1. Dodge a charge attack from the main monster.
2. Go around the main monster (perform a complete 360 around it) Ez pz no re.
These two feats do not have to be performed using the same Egg, but it must be done during the same quest. Bonus points if you use the same egg.
Main Monster cannot be any Drome.
Roll cannot be used in MHW.
All party members must perform the egg feats
A Charge attack is an attack where the monster runs at you.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VI: Weekly Challenge 5 --
Better Timing is EverythingTitle: Better Timing is Everything
Quest Info: Attack the monster only when it is charging towards you.
In any other circumstances, you can attack with stones, boomerang, paintball, or kicks.
F1: Silver Rathalos
FU: G-rank Dual Narga
P3rd: Green Narga
MHXX: Silverwing Narga
MHW: High Rank Kirin
You can use Bombs as long as they get detonated at the same time you land a hit while the monster is charging at you.
Flash and Sonic are okay.
Look at this pr0 example:
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenges 2 --
Monster FuneralHunters must complete a 4-5 monster epic quest without items (bowgun ammo also not allowed).
This is a difficult challenge quest that requires very good timing and cooperation.
G rank only quest 'Hunter's Funeral' for MHFU and HR only quest 'The Chosen One' for 3rd.
No items to be taken from the box, but items are able to be taken from within the arena. Happy Hunting.
Complete the quest without any items (bowgun ammo also not allowed) and no items from the starting supply box. Only items picked up from within the arena are allowed.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 3 --
Welcome to HellWear no armor.
Go fight two black HR9 Gravios or two HR6 2 Agnaktor.
-No healing items are allowed
-No Cool Drinks (hot drinks are okay)
-Whetstones are okay
-No Long range weapon
-No Traps, No flash
-No Bombs
-HH Healing 'spells' are okay
-No fish!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom Part Deux Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom Part Deux!
Quest Client: Multi Track Drifter :bullettrain_side:
Quest Description: So I heard a lot of you last time were able to Vroom Vroom Vroom drift Silver Los to death.
But can you Multi Track a harder monster this time? I doubt it!
Here is my request: With a limited set of moves, can you Vroom Vroom Vroom an Akantor :gachioverload:? It should be easy!
a) Use only the charge attack of your lance to deal damage AND to move
b) You can only move using charge attack! No walking. You can stop to heal or to use an item, stop to turn, or at most take one step in any direction.
c) If you don't understand a and b, it means you can only move from point A to point B by Vroom Vroom Vrooming only! :gachioverload:
F1: Vroom Vroom Vroom a Kirin.
n00b Level: Defeat Akantor.
0kay Level: Defeat Akantor in 15 minutes.
pr0 Level: Defeat Akantor in less than 5 minutes.
Bonus 100 HVFP if you say Vroom Vroom Vroom while attacking.
Update: As of Feb 13 2022, use of flash in this challenge is forbidden. No Bombs. Pure Lance action only!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) Hunsterverse Season II Weekly Challenge 3 --
Movie HunterAs a hunter, we're required to not only have a strong brute force, but a creative minds as well. So for this week's challenge, we want you to recreate opening scene of MHF1/MH2/MHFU/MHP3RD. :Whoa:
Quest requirements:
- Recreate every aspect of the scene that is possible to be done in game (weapon bouncing, mining, cooking meat, gathering, etc.)
- Use the same equipment & weapon for you and your cat as well just like in the scene
- The number of hunter doing this challenge must be the same as in the scene.
- You also have to kill/capture the monster at the end of the scene (Nargacuga for MHFU, Zinogre for MHP3RD & Rathalos for MHF1). Create the fight as creative as possible, since this monsters is not being fought in the scene.
- You can also combine the opening scene with some of your gameplay for a scene that is not able to be recreated.
n00b level: Recreate opening using weapons vs the correct monster
0kay level: Recreate opening AND try to capture some of the great scenes that occured
pr0 level: Recreate opening, capture some of the great scenes and use your video editing skills to make it look awesome
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 6 --
Demon Off, Head On!Title: Demon Off, Head On!
Quest Client: The Legendary DS Combo Man
Hunt the monsters using DS. But no Demon mode.
Hit the monster only from the front (between its two front legs).
-Don't get carted (not even once).
-No use of Demon mode. No use of Bombs.
-Traps are okay!
-You can hit the monster anytwhere as long as you are anywhere within the hit zone (see dank image)
Monsters: F1: G Garuga (repeal is okay), FU: SSJ2 Rajang, P3rd: Glacial Agnakator
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Take me to Pound Town!Title: Take me to Pound Town!
Quest Client: The Let-me-smash Bird.
Quest Description: I need you to make some mashed potatoes, but instead of potatoes, I want to use a monster.
With your hammer and only using the Super Pound Attack, make me some mashed monster meals.
Quest Requirements:
a) You must be using a hammer
b) You must only use the super pound attack (the one attack you get after charging your hammer).
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Normal Los. FU: G-rank Normal Los. P3: High Rank Gigginox. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
0kay Level: F1: High Rank Plesioth. FU: G-rank Plesioth. P3: High rank Agnakator . MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
pr0 Level: F1: High Rank Kirin. FU: G-rank Kirin. P3: Devil Jho. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
Note: +10 HV Frienship Points if you stop a monster charge 3 times.
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