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HV Connected
HV Donator
Jolly Co-Oper
F1 Resurrection F
Tail Poker
Horn Breaker
Faithful Kick
FreeLoot Provider
HV Connected Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-06
HV Donator Trophy unlocked on 2020-10-05
Jolly Co-Oper Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-14
Watcher Trophy unlocked on 2018-10-29
F1 Resurrection F Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-10
Tail Poker Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-13
Video Proof (Click to Show/Hide) Horn Breaker Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-27
Video Proof (Click to Show/Hide) Faithful Kick Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-27
Video Proof (Click to Show/Hide) FreeLoot Provider Trophy unlocked on 2021-01-02
Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Take me to Pound Town!Title: Take me to Pound Town!
Quest Client: The Let-me-smash Bird.
Quest Description: I need you to make some mashed potatoes, but instead of potatoes, I want to use a monster.
With your hammer and only using the Super Pound Attack, make me some mashed monster meals.
Quest Requirements:
a) You must be using a hammer
b) You must only use the super pound attack (the one attack you get after charging your hammer).
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Normal Los. FU: G-rank Normal Los. P3: High Rank Gigginox. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
0kay Level: F1: High Rank Plesioth. FU: G-rank Plesioth. P3: High rank Agnakator . MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
pr0 Level: F1: High Rank Kirin. FU: G-rank Kirin. P3: Devil Jho. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
Note: +10 HV Frienship Points if you stop a monster charge 3 times.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom Part Deux Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom Part Deux!
Quest Client: Multi Track Drifter :bullettrain_side:
Quest Description: So I heard a lot of you last time were able to Vroom Vroom Vroom drift Silver Los to death.
But can you Multi Track a harder monster this time? I doubt it!
Here is my request: With a limited set of moves, can you Vroom Vroom Vroom an Akantor :gachioverload:? It should be easy!
a) Use only the charge attack of your lance to deal damage AND to move
b) You can only move using charge attack! No walking. You can stop to heal or to use an item, stop to turn, or at most take one step in any direction.
c) If you don't understand a and b, it means you can only move from point A to point B by Vroom Vroom Vrooming only! :gachioverload:
F1: Vroom Vroom Vroom a Kirin.
n00b Level: Defeat Akantor.
0kay Level: Defeat Akantor in 15 minutes.
pr0 Level: Defeat Akantor in less than 5 minutes.
Bonus 100 HVFP if you say Vroom Vroom Vroom while attacking.
Update: As of Feb 13 2022, use of flash in this challenge is forbidden. No Bombs. Pure Lance action only!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Bear Grill AdventureTitle Bear Grill Adventure
Client Couch Potato
Scenario You are Bear Grill (that guy who drinks his pee).
You are naked somewhere in nature. You have with you, your trusty knife, and your pee.
Unbeknown to your audience, you also have a trusted crew that helps you.
Defeat a monster!!
1) Play as Bear Grill and his crew
a. Bear Grill is a naked person using a Sword and Shield
b. The crew consists of gunners.
c. Bear Grill can only use consumable that are yellow (to mimic piss).
d. The crew (Gunner) can only use Poison shots and heal shots.
2) You fail the challenge if anyone dies.
Monsters: F1:Plesioth FU/P3rd: Nargacuga
F1: High Rank, FU: High Rank, P3rd: HIgh Rank.
Baby Level: Complete the Challenge +10 HVFP
0kay Level: Complete the challenge in less than 30 minutes +20 HVFP
Pr0 Level: Complete the challenge in 10 minutes or fewer +50 HVFP
Non Scrub Level FU G-rank +250 HVFP
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Eggcercise for the n00bs!Title: Eggcercise for the n00bs!
Quest Client: N00b Trainer
Description: I, HV N00b Trainer, have noticed that many n00bs failed the last challenge. I think it is time for you n00bs to Eggcercise and make some gainz and git gudder.
Pick up an egg and perform the followings
1. Dodge a charge attack from the main monster.
2. Go around the main monster (perform a complete 360 around it) Ez pz no re.
These two feats do not have to be performed using the same Egg, but it must be done during the same quest. Bonus points if you use the same egg.
Main Monster cannot be any Drome.
Roll cannot be used in MHW.
All party members must perform the egg feats
A Charge attack is an attack where the monster runs at you.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide)