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Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season II Weekly Challenge 2 --
My Lance Has a GunUsing only the Gun of your Gunlance, defeat DLC White Fatalis or DLC Alatreon.
Quest Requirements:
You are to ONLY use the gun of your gunlance. This means you can only use the Explosive Rounds or the Wyvern Fire. No Physical attacks are to be used! :problem:
The ONLY PHYSICAL DAMAGE that is allowed is the one that makes the hunter aim his/her GunLance upwards. The upward swing must be followed by Shell shots. Any other physical damage will have you disqualified from the challenge.
MHF1 (since no one has entered the challenge in the long time, you can :RIP:)
n00b level: Complete the quest
0kay Level: Break White Fatalis Eye or Alatreon Wings
Pr0 level: Break White fatalis eye or Alatreon Wings WITHOUT using any physical attack! (not even the one that allows you to aim your gun upwards). This means, you can upswing, but if the upswing does physical damage or touches fatalis you fail. So aim up, but don't hit while aiming.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 3 --
Long Great SwordTitle: Long Great Sword
Description: Use your GS as an LS and show those LS scrubs that you are better than them!
Here are the requirements:
1. Your GS must always be unsheathed.
2. You must not block with your GS.
3. No GS Charge
4. You can roll.
5. You can sheath your GS if you and the monster are in different areas.
6. You must immediately unsheathe your weapon when coming out of stunned/drugged/para'd status.
7. You must leave the area to heal. Meaning your GS must be unsheathed and you must roll out.
8. Your armor must match the quest Rank.
Basically use your GS as an LS.
For this challenge, you will have to use your Long Great Sword technique on two different
monsters. Since those two monsters are likely not to be part of the same quest, you will
have to complete two different quests.
F1 & FU: Black Diablos and Black Gravios
P3rd: Glacial Agnakator and Black Diablos
MHXX: Gravios and Diablos, Guild Style only, Moon Breaker and Ground Slash allowed.
MHW: Black Diablos and Bazelgeuse, no tackles, blocks or kicks, Rocksteady Mantle and Health Booster allowed, indirect sheathing (mounts, stuns, status) is fine.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 3 --
Long Great SwordTitle: Long Great Sword
Description: Use your GS as an LS and show those LS scrubs that you are better than them!
Here are the requirements:
1. Your GS must always be unsheathed.
2. You must not block with your GS.
3. No GS Charge
4. You can roll.
5. You can sheath your GS if you and the monster are in different areas.
6. You must immediately unsheathe your weapon when coming out of stunned/drugged/para'd status.
7. You must leave the area to heal. Meaning your GS must be unsheathed and you must roll out.
8. Your armor must match the quest Rank.
Basically use your GS as an LS.
For this challenge, you will have to use your Long Great Sword technique on two different
monsters. Since those two monsters are likely not to be part of the same quest, you will
have to complete two different quests.
F1 & FU: Black Diablos and Black Gravios
P3rd: Glacial Agnakator and Black Diablos
MHXX: Gravios and Diablos, Guild Style only, Moon Breaker and Ground Slash allowed.
MHW: Black Diablos and Bazelgeuse, no tackles, blocks or kicks, Rocksteady Mantle and Health Booster allowed, indirect sheathing (mounts, stuns, status) is fine.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 5 --
Sonic Dance of DiablosTitle: Sonic Dance of Diablos
Hello hunters. I have heard that there are various ways to get a diablos out of the ground.
Use your Hunting Horn and show me how it is done! It wouldn't be a challenge for you if I didn't add a "few" requiremnts.
0 Wear at most only two pieces of armor
1 No Sonic Bombs and No Bombs are to be used
2 Bombs can only be used in F1
3 You must use your HH to sonic blos out of ground a minimum of 3 times. (F1: Use bombs to get Blos out of the ground a minimum of 2 times)
4 You must KO Blos with your HH at least 2 times and break both horns. (F1: Break Blos horns with Hammer).
5 Complete the Quest in 15 minutes or less.
6 No Traps.
F1: Grank Diablos -- F1 can complete quest in 30 minutes or less. Use Hammer instead of HH.
FU: G-rank Diablos
P3rd: HIgh Rank Diablos -- you can use talisman
Reward: 50 HVFP for completing the challenge.
Deadline for submission: June 27th.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 5 --
Sonic Dance of DiablosTitle: Sonic Dance of Diablos
Hello hunters. I have heard that there are various ways to get a diablos out of the ground.
Use your Hunting Horn and show me how it is done! It wouldn't be a challenge for you if I didn't add a "few" requiremnts.
0 Wear at most only two pieces of armor
1 No Sonic Bombs and No Bombs are to be used
2 Bombs can only be used in F1
3 You must use your HH to sonic blos out of ground a minimum of 3 times. (F1: Use bombs to get Blos out of the ground a minimum of 2 times)
4 You must KO Blos with your HH at least 2 times and break both horns. (F1: Break Blos horns with Hammer).
5 Complete the Quest in 15 minutes or less.
6 No Traps.
F1: Grank Diablos -- F1 can complete quest in 30 minutes or less. Use Hammer instead of HH.
FU: G-rank Diablos
P3rd: HIgh Rank Diablos -- you can use talisman
Reward: 50 HVFP for completing the challenge.
Deadline for submission: June 27th.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 6 --
Demon Off, Head On!Title: Demon Off, Head On!
Quest Client: The Legendary DS Combo Man
Hunt the monsters using DS. But no Demon mode.
Hit the monster only from the front (between its two front legs).
-Don't get carted (not even once).
-No use of Demon mode. No use of Bombs.
-Traps are okay!
-You can hit the monster anytwhere as long as you are anywhere within the hit zone (see dank image)
Monsters: F1: G Garuga (repeal is okay), FU: SSJ2 Rajang, P3rd: Glacial Agnakator
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenge 5 --
I swear it wasn't meDefeat a monster without being the one giving it the final blow.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 3 --
Hit Gun To ReloadDescription You were too cheap to buy a gud gun from the smithy guy.
You end up with a gun that jams pretty easily. The only way for you to reload it (or to load a different kind of ammo)
is to hit your gun against something big, dangerous, alive, and mean... Use that gun and slay the main monster.
a) You must be using light bowgun or heavybowgun.
b) You are allowed to reload your gun only after having meleed the main monster using your gun.
c) No siege mode or auto reload skills.
d) No Traps, No flashbombs.
n00b Level Monsters: F1: High Rank Iodrome, FU: G-rank Iodrome, P3rd: High Rank Wroggi
0kay Level Monsters: F1:Los, FU: G-Rank Tigrex, P3rd: High Rank Brute Tigrex
pr0 Level Monsters: F1:High Rank Garuga (Repeal is okay), FU: SSJ2 Rajang, P3rd: Deviljho
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Committed Triple Combo-erTitle: Committed Triple Combo-er
Client: No-Brake Hunter
Description: Are you a pro hammer user like me? I doubt it!
I am known as the No-Brake Hunter. I always commit to completing my combos. I don't stop midway unless of course I am hit. But I am a pro hammer and I never get hit.
Prove that you are a badass hammer user like me!
Quest Requirement:
1. Use Only Hammer's triple combo and you can't stop in middle once you started unless you get hit. This means that you cannot cancel your combo once you start it.
2 You are allowed only two clothing items.
3 No Bombs, No Flash Bombs, No Traps
4 All your attacks must be Triple Pound if you and the monster are in the same area.
F1: G-rank Azure Los
FU: G-rank Tigrex
P3: High Rank Brute Tigrex (Talisman is okay)
MHXX: Glavenus
MHW: Odogaron, 2 armor pieces, 4 deco limit, no charm, no mantles.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season I Weekly Challenges 2 --
Monster FuneralHunters must complete a 4-5 monster epic quest without items (bowgun ammo also not allowed).
This is a difficult challenge quest that requires very good timing and cooperation.
G rank only quest 'Hunter's Funeral' for MHFU and HR only quest 'The Chosen One' for 3rd.
No items to be taken from the box, but items are able to be taken from within the arena. Happy Hunting.
Complete the quest without any items (bowgun ammo also not allowed) and no items from the starting supply box. Only items picked up from within the arena are allowed.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide)