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Hi, I am a HunsterVerse Hunster
HV Connected
F1 Resurrection F
HV Connected Trophy unlocked on 2018-05-11
F1 Resurrection F Trophy unlocked on 2019-07-13
Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 6 --
Demon Off, Head On!Title: Demon Off, Head On!
Quest Client: The Legendary DS Combo Man
Hunt the monsters using DS. But no Demon mode.
Hit the monster only from the front (between its two front legs).
-Don't get carted (not even once).
-No use of Demon mode. No use of Bombs.
-Traps are okay!
-You can hit the monster anytwhere as long as you are anywhere within the hit zone (see dank image)
Monsters: F1: G Garuga (repeal is okay), FU: SSJ2 Rajang, P3rd: Glacial Agnakator
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 1 --
Take me to Pound Town!Title: Take me to Pound Town!
Quest Client: The Let-me-smash Bird.
Quest Description: I need you to make some mashed potatoes, but instead of potatoes, I want to use a monster.
With your hammer and only using the Super Pound Attack, make me some mashed monster meals.
Quest Requirements:
a) You must be using a hammer
b) You must only use the super pound attack (the one attack you get after charging your hammer).
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Normal Los. FU: G-rank Normal Los. P3: High Rank Gigginox. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
0kay Level: F1: High Rank Plesioth. FU: G-rank Plesioth. P3: High rank Agnakator . MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
pr0 Level: F1: High Rank Kirin. FU: G-rank Kirin. P3: Devil Jho. MHGEN: Go get a real DS :problem:
Note: +10 HV Frienship Points if you stop a monster charge 3 times.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season IV: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom Part Deux Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom Part Deux!
Quest Client: Multi Track Drifter :bullettrain_side:
Quest Description: So I heard a lot of you last time were able to Vroom Vroom Vroom drift Silver Los to death.
But can you Multi Track a harder monster this time? I doubt it!
Here is my request: With a limited set of moves, can you Vroom Vroom Vroom an Akantor :gachioverload:? It should be easy!
a) Use only the charge attack of your lance to deal damage AND to move
b) You can only move using charge attack! No walking. You can stop to heal or to use an item, stop to turn, or at most take one step in any direction.
c) If you don't understand a and b, it means you can only move from point A to point B by Vroom Vroom Vrooming only! :gachioverload:
F1: Vroom Vroom Vroom a Kirin.
n00b Level: Defeat Akantor.
0kay Level: Defeat Akantor in 15 minutes.
pr0 Level: Defeat Akantor in less than 5 minutes.
Bonus 100 HVFP if you say Vroom Vroom Vroom while attacking.
Update: As of Feb 13 2022, use of flash in this challenge is forbidden. No Bombs. Pure Lance action only!
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 6 --
MH Final FantasyTitle: MH Final Fantasy
Quest Client: TriangleEnix
Quest Description:
Yo! I heard this game can be played as an MMORPG with mage, healers and bersekers and whatnot.
Show me that it can be easily done. Get your team together and defeat a boss!
Quest Requirement:
1. You must go on a quest with a team made of the following "classes"
a Berserkers
b White Mage
A berserkers is a lance user. This user will carry no item when going in quest and will not use any healing/status items.
A White Mage is either a Hunting Horn user or a Gunner. White mage also plays the role of support via healing, clearing ailments etc... This class can provide the Berserker class cooked meat and whetstones. White mage can can also set up traps.
Note: Solo users will have to be Berserkers with no items. Not even whetstones :problem: Just find yourself a useless friend who will act as a white mage.
3 Berserkers deals all the damage and gets whetstones or meat from White Mages when needed.
2 White Mage class does all the healing either through wide area, hunting horn items, healing shots, etc... This class does not attack
Monsters FU/F1: G-rank Black Gravios in volcano (there needs to be heat)
P3rd: Glacial Agnakator
World: Lavasioth.
Solo berserkers can use a Rocksteady Mantle and a Lance with 1 Health Regen aug. If in a group, neither of these are allowed.
XX: Hyper Brachydios, HR/G-Rank in the volcano or other hot areas. Equipment, charm included, must match the monster's rank. Berserkers can use Guild, Striker or Adept; any HA is fine except Healing Shield unless solo. White Mage can use Guild and Alchemy. In both cases, Berserkers may use a Heat Cancel skill or a variation of it.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide)