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Weekly Challenge Entries of This player HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 4 --
Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!Quest Title: Vroom Vroom Vroom!!!
Quest Description You just learned about the multi-track drifting meme :yeahboi: Unfortunately, there are no cars in the game.
You realize that, as a hunter, the closest thing to mimicking a car is to use your lance, make a "vroom vroom vroom" sound with your mouth and
just gun it! Drift the Monster to death!
a) Use only the running attack of your Lance to defeat the main monster
b) no blocking (dodging and back hopping is okay)
c) no ESP skill
d) charge finisher move is okay
n00b Level: F1: High Rank Iodrome, FU: G-rank Iodrome, P3rd: High-Rank Wroggi
0kay Level: F1:Plesioth,FU: Narga , P3rd: High Rank Narga
pr0 Level: Silver Los
Note: You are allowed to use ESP skill if every time you charge at the Monster, you have to say Vroom, Vroom, Vroom AND we can hear it in the video.
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HunsterVerse Season III Weekly Challenge 6 --
Demon Off, Head On!Title: Demon Off, Head On!
Quest Client: The Legendary DS Combo Man
Hunt the monsters using DS. But no Demon mode.
Hit the monster only from the front (between its two front legs).
-Don't get carted (not even once).
-No use of Demon mode. No use of Bombs.
-Traps are okay!
-You can hit the monster anytwhere as long as you are anywhere within the hit zone (see dank image)
Monsters: F1: G Garuga (repeal is okay), FU: SSJ2 Rajang, P3rd: Glacial Agnakator
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VI: Weekly Challenge 3 --
SnS: Swerve N StrikeSnS: Swerve N Strike
Using SnS defeat the monster without taking any damage (Red Health is okay.).
No flash bombs, no bombs, no traps.
F1: Diablos
FU: G-rank teo (for group), HR Teo (for solo) neko quest okay
P3rd: Pickle boi
MHXX: G-Rank Teostra, Guild, no Roundforce or evasion arts.
MH4U: G-Rank Teostra
MHW: HR Teostra, no Temporal/Rocksteady/Evasion/Vitality mantles.
Heroic is okay. Teo must be at full health
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VI: Weekly Challenge 4 --
KnS: Kick & StrikeKnS: Kick & Strike
Quest Details: Easy. Defeat the monster. But there a catch, before performing a combo, you must Kick the Monster.
Read the table below to determine the kick to hit ratio of your weapon.
F1/FU: G-rank Green Plesioth (Nekoh Quest is okay)
P3rd: Akantor
MHXX: Plesioth
MHW: Jho
| Weapon | kicks | hits/combo |
| GS | 4 | 3 (or One Charge attack) |
| LS | 3 | 3 |
| SnS | 2 | 5 |
| HH | 3 | 3 |
| Hammer | 4 | 3 |
| Lance | 1 | 3 |
| Gunlance | 1 | 3 stabs or 3 shells |
| DB | 2 | normal combo (tri or circle) |
| DB | 4 | demon dance. |
| SA | 2 | 4 (No infinite combo) |
| CB | 1 | 1 axe attack. |
| CB | 1 | 2 sword attacks* |
| IG | 3 kicks | ( tri x3 then circle once) |
| Bow | 1 | 3 shots** |
| H/LBowgun| 1 | 5 shots** |
*Charge attack counts as two hits shield thrust counts as a hit.
**No Rapid Fire; no Siege mode.
Additional Requirements:
a If the monster is in rage mode, kick number goes up by 1.
b Your Kick count resets if the monster hits you.
c You are limited to use only 4 healing items. Items that affect status are okay.
d You cannot stack up attacks by kicking multiple times.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 5 --
Commited Heavy Bowgunner with a TwistTitle: Committed Heavy Bowgunner with a Twist
Quest Giver: The Legendary Gunner
Description: I am known as the legendary gunner. I have, very efficiently, slain all monsters. What's my secret you ask? I stand my ground and I make sure that my MAG is really empty before I move on and reload my gun. Be a legend like me!
1) Use a heavy bowgun (no shield).
2) You must stay stationary when shooting (you are allowed to aim).
3) Unless you are hit, you must shoot every single clip in your magazine (empty your bowgun).
4) You must perform the "Shit my gun is empty" emote after having emptied your mag.
5) You can heal only after having performed the "Oh shit my gun is empty" emote. One healing per emote. Potion and Megapotion only. Status items such as antidote, power seed, etc... are allowed.
Note: One action per "Oh shit my gun is empty". This means you cannot heal AND reload. If you chose to heal, you must perform the "oh shit my gun is m empty" emote again before reloading.
6) You must not cart.
7) No Trap, flash bombs, no bombs, no ledges (Get on the ground scrubs!). Paintball is okay! :problem:
F1: G-rank Garuga
FU: Dual G-rank Garuga
P3rd: Sand and Normal Barioth
MHXX: Glavenus and Gravios (No arts)
MHWorld: Lava and Uragaan (No clust)
Note: Since MHW does not have the "Oh shit my gun is empty emote", you must perform an emote for a solid 2 seconds before reloading your gun.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season V: Weekly Challenge 4 --
Committed Triple Combo-erTitle: Committed Triple Combo-er
Client: No-Brake Hunter
Description: Are you a pro hammer user like me? I doubt it!
I am known as the No-Brake Hunter. I always commit to completing my combos. I don't stop midway unless of course I am hit. But I am a pro hammer and I never get hit.
Prove that you are a badass hammer user like me!
Quest Requirement:
1. Use Only Hammer's triple combo and you can't stop in middle once you started unless you get hit. This means that you cannot cancel your combo once you start it.
2 You are allowed only two clothing items.
3 No Bombs, No Flash Bombs, No Traps
4 All your attacks must be Triple Pound if you and the monster are in the same area.
F1: G-rank Azure Los
FU: G-rank Tigrex
P3: High Rank Brute Tigrex (Talisman is okay)
MHXX: Glavenus
MHW: Odogaron, 2 armor pieces, 4 deco limit, no charm, no mantles.
Video Entry (Click to Show/Hide) HunsterVerse Season VII: Weekly Challenge 2 --
Sweating BulletsTitle: Sweating Bullets
Client: Ifrit
I thought I would take this term quite literally.
How about a quest involving both sweat and bullets? I have heard those kind of quests are the best to bring out your inner demon gunner.
a. Weapon: Heavy Bowgun
b. Armor: Only helmet -- makes sweating better. No talisman.
c. Area: It must be in volcano or on a map that has heat damage
d. No Cool Drinks allowed, No Health Potion (no self healing), no health flute, No Traps, No Flash. No cold Meat because Cold meat = Cool Drink + meat. You can have Hot meat though. Your character must be taking heat damage!
e. All bullets are allowed except Clust and Crag shots. I recommend using heal shots.
f. No heavy bowgun special attack such as Siege Mode, and Hunter Arts.
g. No Healing at Camp. You are allowed one cart.
i. No Fish to heal red health (updated 2021/02/09)
F1: G-rank Black Gravios
FU: G-rank Black Garvios
P3rd: HR Agnakator
4U: G-rank Black Gravios
MHGen: HR Agnakator
MHXX: G-rank Gravios
MHW: High Rank Lavasioth -- Only Bandit Mantle Allowed!
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